IN TRANSIT A performing arts project spanning different cultures

Encountering and confronting different cultures, values, and contexts - far away, around the world

“TRANS-“ means to cross over, change, and move. We are launching this project to stay beside the principals of performing arts aspiring to activity on the international stage in this important process, support them in the advisable action to this end, and disseminate information about them.

From now on, the artists doing performing arts, together with the producers, staff, and critics, are going to encounter various new outlooks on value and opportunities. We hope that they will likewise change and realize things together, and create the future of art and culture.

About this project

IN TRANSIT is a project for nurturing the growth of performing arts principals who are taking aim at new international activity. In addition to artists, the project will be a holistic development of all other human resources engaged in international creation and performing arts, including staffs, producers, and critics, who verbalize the value of works and place them in an international context.

Discharging tasks in the areas of conception, planning, and operation, we at precog co., LTD. have thus far put a lot of effort into programs of international exchange in the field of performing arts. We have connected with overseas networks linking us with partners in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. Through these partnerships, we support the tours by Japanese performers in other countries, and share knowledge we have accumulated so far with counterparts around the world.

In addition, we are building a website and other platforms that will provide information on the project process and results, and can be accessed by anyone. By so doing, we will disclose this information to all other artists and people involved with performing arts who have the same aspirations. Our target vision is a platform that can be used not only by the immediate subjects of development but also five or even ten years into the future, and enable the project to yield usable results on an ongoing basis.


Development subjects

The subjects of development will encounter different languages, histories, politics, customs and diverse contexts. While facing up to the friction, trouble, and complications that arise in such encounters, they will each attach importance to broadening the range of their creativity, and develop their activities. They will each also take a close look at their own latent possibilities and creativity, and acquire the flexibility needed for adaptation to changes in the world around them. They will strive to carve out a new future for themselves by continually sharing and updating their activities and experience.

Since 2024, the following principals have been selected as members who aspire to new activities in other countries and want to update their experience.


  • Kumiko Ueda

  • OLTA

  • Jang-Chi

  • Meguninja

  • Jun Tsutsui/dracom

  • Yuta Hagiwara

  • Suguru Yamamoto

  • Takahiro Fujita

  • Eri Makihara



  • Natsumi Kato

    ©️Nishi Junnosuke
  • Momo Sakamoto

  • Kana Hayashi


Stage Manager

  • Marie Moriyama


  • Ryo Sekine

  • Megumu Takashima

  • Kenta Yamazaki



Organized by precog co.,LTD.
Supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan | Japan Arts Council


precog co.,LTD.
TEL: 03-3528-9713

Email: intransit.precog[at]gmail.com